About Us

About Us

Atlanta Southside Triathlon Club is a group of volunteers and enthusiasts in Henry County, Ga USA

The Atlanta Southside Tri Club (ASTC) cross the spectrum of triathletes from recreational triathletes to age group competitors and elite triathletes. The majority of the club consists of recreational triathletes who participate in local events and enjoy the camaraderie and accountability of group training in a positive environment. Most of all, we believe that triathlon should be fun! Whether you are trying to shed some pounds, improve your health, achieve a new PR, or preparing for your first Sprint, Olympic, or IronMan distances, ASTC has a group for you. We are located conveniently 30 minutes south of downtown Atlanta.









 Meet Our Volunteers

“It is very exciting for me to volunteer for ASTC. The support I had from the Henry County triathletes when I first started was second to none. I feel honoured to be able to give it back to the community in such a big way”
Sergio Chaves, Hampton
“Triathlon is the best thing that could have happened to my husband. He is more confident, stronger, healthier, and always active. I do not think he could have achieved everything that  he had put his mind to without the support from his Tri friends."
Laila Chaves, Hampton
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